Sovereign Birth Mentorship

What is Sovereign Birth?

Sovereign Birth trusts the mother to the highest degree and guides her inner-knowing.
Sovereign Birth supports natural, undisturbed, physiological birth so that the mother may make autonomous decisions over her and her baby in the birthing process

I am here to serve YOU in the birth of YOUR dreams!

The birth you desire IS attainable and I’m whole heartedly supporting you as the sole authority in making it happen.

Everything you NEED already EXISTS within you.

I believe that the mother herself knows her body better than anyone else and we will implement a structure that reinforces that.

My purpose is to help you remember that and to be a sister to encourage you along this beautiful and exciting journey.

Topics are tailored to your specific needs and can include

Conscious Conception

Conscious conception is as much spiritual as it is physical. Choosing to create life with heart centered intention to create a better future is an honorable act.

Preparing for such a journey physically can optimize chances of fertility, strength, endurance, and overall health for mother and baby.

Prenatal Nutrition

Nutrition has inter generational effects.

Healthy nutrition increases the likelihood of a balanced pregnancy, an optimal physiological birth, a vital baby and a strong recovering mother postpartum.

Wild Pregnancy

Everything you need already exists within you.

Wild pregnancy means we give absolute trust to our primal biological bodies. We tune into our intuitive knowing, we embody the wisdom that lives in our cells. We connect with all of the mothers before us, both animal and human. We tap into our ancestral heritage. We take full authority and responsibility of our bodies.

Motherhood Initiations

Pregnancy is designed to prepare us for becoming a mother. From my own experience and observations i have found that there are key points throughout the journey of pregnancy that are building us up and welcoming us into new initiations of motherhood.

I am here to be a guide in this journey and welcome open mindedness and discussions on integrating these experiences that may otherwise be observed as mundane or even unwanted.

I believe that the body is intelligent and speaks to us if we are tuned into listening and learning.

Undisturbed Physiological Childbirth Education

Physiological childbirth is a spontaneous, biological expression of hormones, neurochemicals, muscle memory & mammalian’s innate intelligence.

It is able to be expressed in the absence of interventions, observations, and is exclusively led by the mother and her baby.

We will discuss variations of normal, true emergencies and how to prevent complications within our range of control, as well as preparations for postpartum.

Sisterhood Support

My goal is to be a supportive and loving ally in which you can trust and feel safe with. It is so vital and important to feel supported and in community connection especially in todays modern society of individualization and separateness.

We will create an open space to share your feelings, excitements, concerns, ect.

When we work together i welcome ongoing communication and chat support at all times.


The core essence and foundation for Wombens Traditions is rooted in remembrance of ancestral wisdom.

In our modern societies is seems we have been forgetting that we are one with nature and inseparable from it, forgetting the wisdoms of the greatest force of all life which is creation and how our relatives were in right relationship with it all.

To become a mother is to intrinsically become connected to all of the mothers that came before us, as well as to all of life itself.

Tapping into this inheritance will bring utmost strength and the deepest sense of trust through pregnancy and the birthing portal.

Wombens Traditions is offering tools to make this more accessible in your sacred journey.




I will honor payment plans or discounted rates for those that are in true financial need. Please send me a descriptive message with your inquiry at

I believe it’s every woman’s birthright to have access to this information & support and I do my best to make it available to everyone.

Service includes:


1x 90 min session intended for us to get to know one another on a deeper level, to discuss your visualized dream birth and how we are going to make it come into a reality through your pregnancy initiation


2x 90 min sessions per trimester of your pregnancy period and 3x 60 min sessions postpartum

Our Connection Sessions will include:

    • Nutrition support
    • Previous birth debrief
    • Dream birth visualization and manifestation practices
    • Ancestral wisdom invocations
    • Embodiment practices
    • Space to share your feelings, excitements, concerns, etc
    • Birth team Check-In and Coordination plan
    • Physiological Birth Education including variations of normal, navigating emergencies, postpartum preparation, etc
    • & so much more!


Off hour unlimited contact support via text or email to ask questions, address concerns, share excitements, etc.


I honor and support undisturbed, physiological birth and offer a grounded presence that is in full trust in the mother and her baby and supports the remembrance and embodiment of her inner-knowing in the birth process.

I do not offer medical advice nor practice medical interventions.

Investment: $3,000.00

Need one-time support?

Want a quick introduction to conscious conception, sovereign birth, or something else?

In this 90 minute session we can speak of previous birth debriefs, dream birth visualization and manifestation, birth preparation, free birth (unassisted birth) education, how to protect yourself and make autonomous decision making, navigating emergencies, etc.

In this informationally dense session we will go through any topics you are interested or curious about!

Investment: $170



  • Nourishing Meal Preparation
  • After Birth clean-up and Light Housekeeping
  • Lactation Support
  • Placenta Ceremony
  • Womb and Pelvic aftercare
  • Motherhood Integration

Multi-Package Discounted Investment: $1,000.00

(See full offering description here)



  • Anatomy and Body Autonomy
  • Fertility Awareness Method & Cycle Tracking
  • Avoid or Achieve Pregnancy Naturally
  • Hormonal Nutrition
  • Sustainable Low-Toxic Living

Multi-Package Discounted Investment: $600.00

(See full offering description here)

It is an honor to support you in this sacred journey.

Practicing these tools will support you beyond pregnancy & birth and will contribute long lasting clarity and great connection to our bodies, our relatives, and to the Earth.

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To book your first 30-minute session, please select the date and time most suitable for you for us to meet. I look forward to meeting with you.
