Cycle Tracking & Fertility Wellness Guide

Fertility is the mirror for our overall health. I support adolescents and women to understand and celebrate the reproductive functions of their bodies and to optimize their health and wellbeing through a holistic approach.

Anatomy and Bodily Autonomy education

Body literacy is everybody’s birth right.

When we know about our bodies we have more governance over them.

It’s important to understand anatomical morphology and functions as a ground base for living an autonomous life.

Topics included but not limited to:

Fertility Awareness & Cycle Tracking

Understand your reproductive cycle and you will understand your overall health. Our menstrual cycle is an expression of our internal health and can be utilized as the sixth “vital sign” of our bodies.

Fertility Awareness Method and Cycle Tracking is the daily observation of your biological signs of fertility.

After devoted and consistent practice of tracking your daily cycles and rhythms, it will become part of your natural routine and will provide you the tools to better understand your health, your fertility, how to achieve or avoid pregnancy, and will give you a sense of connection with your beautiful, genius body!

Topics included but not limited to:

Cycle Tracking

Hormonal Nutrition & Fertility Wellness

Our bodies are biologically operated by our hormones. Our hormones dont just exist in our reproductive system but rather throughout all of our bodies.

Having proper nutrition is essential for living a healthy life.

Fertility is not just for childbearing, it’s also a key factor of our overall health.

We will speak in depth of various lifestyle choices to optimize our bodies health and vitality.

Topics included but not limited to:


I will honor payment plans or discounted rates for those that are in true financial need. Please send me a descriptive message with your inquiry at

I believe it’s every woman’s birthright to have access to this information & support and I do my best to make it available to everyone.

Need one-time support?

Want a quick introduction to cycle tracking, hormonal nutrition or sovereign birth?

We can also speak of previous birth debriefs, dream birth visualization and manifestation, birth preparation and what you may need, free birth (unassisted birth) education and what you may need to know, how to protect yourself and make autonomous decision making.

In this informationally dense 90 min session we will go over any topics you are interested or curious about.

90 min session
Investment: $170

This offering includes 12x 1:1 meetings total (2x 60 min meetings per month for 6 months)

Anatomy and Bodily Autonomy Education

1:1 mentorship, informative sheets and resource guide topics:

  • Anatomy
  • Body mapping
  • Understanding the reproductive cycle
  • Bodily autonomy philosophy

Fertility Awareness & Cycle Tracking

1:1 mentorship, cycle tracking kit, informative sheets and resource guide topics:

  • Understanding the menstrual cycle
  • Cycle tracking 101 – a step by step guide
  • Interpreting the bodies biological expressions to better understand overall health
  • How to avoid or achieve pregnancy naturally
  • Plant based hormonal contraceptives or “plan(t) B”

Fertility Wellness Guide

1:1 mentorship, informative sheets and resource guide topics:

  • Key principles for healthy hormonal nutrition
  • Movement as medicine
  • A foundational weekly meal plan – bonus recipes included
  • How to source quality ingredients
  • Healing PCOS, endometriosis, ect through optimal nutrition
  • Non-toxic sustainable living/ minimizing chemical exposure

Investment: $750



  • Nutrition support
  • Previous birth debrief
  • Dream birth visualization and manifestation practices
  • Ancestral wisdom invocations
  • Embodiment practices
  • Space to share your feelings, excitements, concerns, etc
  • Birth team Check-In and Coordination plan
  • Physiological Birth
  • Education including variations of normal, navigating emergencies, postpartum preparation, etc
  • Unlimited contact support
  • Mentorship and support in the time of birth

Multi-Package Discounted Investment: $2,500.00

(See full offering description here)



  • Nourishing Meal Preparation
  • After Birth clean-up and Light Housekeeping
  • Lactation Support
  • Placenta Ceremony
  • Womb and Pelvic aftercare
  • Motherhood Integration

Multi-Package Discounted Investment: $1,000.00

(See full offering description here)

Interested to learn more? Click the button below for a free 30-minute discovery call.

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To book your first 30-minute session, please select the date and time most suitable for you for us to meet. I look forward to meeting with you.
