Flower Belly
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These are the affirmations I spoke to my body, baby and to my source of god all throughout my pregnancy and birth ceremony. I believe that our words hold powerful magic and have the ability to transform our reality. My hope is that these may serve you in your journey, as well.

I know my body.

I trust my body.

I trust my baby.

I trust the Great Mystery.

I surrender to the Great Mystery.

By being a woman, I am inherently connected to the source of all Creation.

My body is a vessel perfectly designed to bring Life into this world.

I trust the living DNA of my ancestors that resides within me.

Birth is an Emergence.

Birth is physiological and intrinsic to my being.

I was designed to birth.

I am connected to all of the mothers who have birthed before me.

I am connected to all of the mothers who are birthing with me, in this moment.

I surrender to the sensations.

I breathe into the sensations.

I love my body.

I love my baby.

I love my ancestors.

I trust life.

I trust the divine.

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